Benefits of the rain:
1. Cooler temperatures. In Alabama, we need that!
2. A Satisfied earth. The grass and the rest of our vegetation swim (literally) with delight.
3. Happy lawn caretakers. Our front yard is on its way to looking like the lush Rwandan terrain.
Downsides of the rain:
1. NO SUNLIGHT! I LOVE sunshine. Madame Mim from The Sword and the Stone complains about the sunlight and yells, "I hate sunlight!" I am exclaiming, "I want Sunlight!," "Bring on the sun!," or "Now is the time to shine!"
2. Terrible driving conditions. After new student registration at Union on Monday, we experienced a scary trip back home. As the winshield wipers stayed at full speed, I could not see anything in front of me. Oi!
3. Vitamin D deficiency. What is a girl to do? (Yes, taking vitamin pills would work, but natural sunlight is my favorite option!)
My mom and I have been visiting my granddaddy for the past few days. This afternoon my auntie rolled into town for visit as well. Such great family fun!
We all went out to dinner this evening. As we left the house, dark clouds ominously swarmed above us. Sitting down to our tasty meal, we noticed that the bottom was falling out! Sheets and sheets of rain dropped to the ground. I gazed out the window hoping that my telepathic powers would stop the rain. Then, it hit me. I looked down at the asphault to find little "crowns."
As the large droplets landed, water jumped back into the air. Essentially, the "corners" of the droplets rose to form a crown, tiara, royal head ornamentation, etc. I made this observation to my family. My auntie smiled at me, looked at my mother, and said, "Of course you would think that!"
Next time you feel sad due to the rain, remember the crowns. Rain equals royalty!

Addendum: If the droplets are small, the "crown" might not reach its full potential.