Sunday, February 6, 2011


On Friday night our room was very exciting. We stayed home, made pizza, watched a movie, and went to bed at 10. ( A couple of us were a bit under the weather.) Our movie choice was presented to us by my roommate Julianne. That movie was Taken.

 I had heard great things about Taken, but since I had been in Europe for the summer  when it was released and away from my parents, I had been advised not to see it until I was safely home. Well, I took the plunge...I was on the edge of my seat with anticipation, excitement, nervousness until credits rolled.

Five Favorite Things from Taken:
1. Liam Neeson- He's great AND he is Aslan.
2. The mention of Langley (I love a good CIA reference)
3. Liam was a "Preventer." (I love spies)
4. AWESOME "Take 'em down!" fight scenes.
5. Everything was resolved and my favorite characters were safe when 1 hour and 30 mins ticked by on the   DVD player.

All of those factors made a great movie. The major theme that really moved me was not that she was taken, but the purpose for her kidnapping, sex trafficking. The most poignant and heart-breaking scene in the movie was the auction scene.  A room filled with rich, greasy, pinkie ring wearing, old men bidding $250,000 to $500,000 on these helpless girls. I will never forget the sound of the auctioneer saying, "We've saved the best for last." The mind boggling thought is that this REAL LIFE . Not only is it real life, the one of biggest prostitution rings of our country hits close to my new home.

The moments of watching those poor girls demoralized by selfish men made me thankful for God's  grace. How often I take it for granted. Living in a city an hour from Memphis spurs me to take action. I am not sure what action :) , but I know I can begin by praying because God is Sovereign and Good!

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