Wednesday, September 19, 2012

One Word...4 Syllables

Maturity...I love it. I hate it. The biggest issue I have and the fight I want to pick with maturity, is that I struggle with it. When does the growing process ever end? I've heard it from so many people. I've believed it myself, but sometimes the glittery glasses I like to wear get frosted over and I think I have reached my full potential. As I ponder that thought process, I laugh. It's SOOOOO not over. Just this past weekend, my glasses defrosted and I saw an area the Lord has been using to help mature me. You know that moment. It's the one where you are stopped in your tracks and a light switch is flipped. Yeah... The one where you feel embarrassed. The one where you experience grace. The one where you want to fix it immediately, but know you must wait. The one where you realize that maturity you thought you had was actually being cultivated instead. The one where you start singing "Thanks be to our God" because he is so faithful and good. That was my weekend. It was wonderful and revealing. I am so glad that I am not rejected by Jesus when I fall short. I am so glad he stops me and shows me where I need more of him. I am so glad that I am not done maturing.
Although, some of you may be questioning my maturity right now. I do wear a disney outfit every week, and I have been sitting in my room listening to Les Miserables almost in tears. (The new movie comes out in three months...You have to start preparing now!)
Sometimes it stinks. Other times it is fun. Know that a lesson in maturity is always lurking around the corner with its eyes peeled. Watch your backs, and sleep with one eye open. You don't want miss it.

Yours Truly

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